Sion Eifion Jones
Current Llangefni FC Manager
As a former Manager at Nantlle Vale and Manager/U19 Head Coach at Porthmadog, along with experience as a Performance Analyst Intern at Manchester City FC Academy, Sion also acquired valuable skills while working in the US as a professional soccer coach for Challenger Sports UK.
Sion studied a Masters in Sports Coaching and achieved a 2.1 undergraduate degree in Sports Coaching. He was crowned British trophy champion as Head Coach of the Manchester Metropolitan University men’s team
How would you define a parent’s role within the youth sports environment?
I think support is the key word when defining a parent’s role within the youth sports environment. Understanding the need to support your child in a correct manner is vital to ensure the best development.
However, more often than not the support is either done incorrectly or isn’t done at all which leads to a negative development of the child. I would put lack of parent education as the main reason for this behaviour.
What are the benefits of embracing parental involvement in youth sports?
By embracing parental involvement within youth sports it ensures that all parties (parents, coaches, children) are working towards the same outcome and are working within the same guidelines. By accepting the involvement of parents you can (as a coach) promote the correct behaviour of parents through coaching clinics etc. This, in turn, increases the education and knowledge of parents of their responsibilities within a youth sports environment. It also creates a positive environment for both coaches and parents, which increases the level of enjoyment for the children themselves.
How have you as a coach/club attempted to increase parental involvement?
Whilst working in the US, running week-long soccer camps. Due to only having a week with each group of children/parents, I use communication as the main avenue to promote the positive involvement of parents in youth sports. This is done mainly through coaching clinics with the parents themselves. Within the clinics, awareness is raised on how parents can support youth development in soccer in a positive manner. One key message that is highlighted within the clinics is that every behaviour has a consequence, that being a positive or a negative one. Through role-play and an explanation of various situations, our hope is to promote understanding of these various consequences to ensure the removal of any negative behaviour from parents in future sporting environments. I do also promote ‘The Sporting Resource’ blog on my travels to ensure that parents read and increase their knowledge even further.
What challenges have you faced in attempting to increase the level of parental involvement?
There have been many challenges when attempting to increase parental involvement within youth sports. One main issue is the parent’s lack of acceptance to understand how they can positively influence their children within youth sports. This is often the case when parents have been heavily involved in sports themselves and want their child to re-live their sporting past through their sporting environments.
This often occurs when parents have had a negative experience of the sport themselves and aim to change this through their child’s involvement in the game. This creates pressure on the child and in turn, affects the child’s lack of enjoyment within the game.
Have you seen any difference in players when parental involvement is embraced not neglected and/or ignored?
Yes, when parents embrace involvement in a positive manner I have no doubt it has a great impact on youth sport. By positively supporting their children, parents can ensure that their children are learning within a non-pressurised environment. I recently worked with a child who was very concerned about injuring himself during the game. One of his parents was an ex-professional and would always run on the field when the child would go down injured to reassure him. After a personal meeting with the parent, it was agreed that the parent would not enter the field of play to support his child when injured unless it was of course a serious situation.
This was done to ensure that the player wasn’t dependent on his parent’s support every time he suffered any type of fall or injury. The first time the child went down following the meeting, the child immediately looked to his parent for comfort. As the parent didn’t come over the child got up after some 30 seconds and carried on with the game. This became a pattern for the next few days during the games and in turn, had a very positive effect on the child’s game. This is a great example of how parent education can ensure positive development within youth sports.
What advice would you give coaches who are unsure and/or afraid about increasing parental involvement within youth sports?
Without accepting involvement, no impact can be made on issues that surround parental involvement within youth sports. While accepting that there are issues with parents’ involvement an attempt can be made to remove these issues. Promote education and ensure that both parents and children are involved in a positive working environment.
For those parents unaware of their influential role within youth sports, what advice would you give them?
Never, ever stop educating yourself on your role as a parent within youth sports as you can never stop learning. It is also important to note that the game is ever-changing and that as a parent you should always be open to change and new ideas with your child to ensure positive development.
Thank you to Sion for taking the time to complete the following interview questions.