Give me an example of a job where this is accepted?
Once the game started, the atmosphere changed completely. The referee was highly experienced, but every decision he made was met with intense criticism, which was unusual for a non-competitive game. It quickly became clear that the criticism was not coming from the opposing coach or players, who were challenging decisions respectfully, as expected. Instead, the constant noise and criticism were coming from the opposition’s sideline. The referee dealt admirably with the situation by ignoring the distractions and allowing the players to continue playing. However, eventually, he voiced his concerns to the sideline, only to be met with a dismissive response: “Just get on with the game.”
As the game progressed, a remarkable situation unfolded. The players on the opposing team were visibly distressed as their parents and guardians yelled, screamed, and even swore at them to control their game. The constant interference was having a devastating effect on their performance, both physically and mentally. Some parents were trying to take control of the game, directing their children from the sidelines and trying to see things through their own eyes. This behaviour not only ruined the atmosphere of the game but also had a real impact on the individual players, sapping their enjoyment and crushing their confidence. The players would sometimes listen to their parents, which only led to more mistakes and further yelling and screaming.
This was disheartening as it showcased how so much potential was going to waste because of the misguided actions of a few parents. It was a powerful reminder of how crucial it is to create a positive and supportive environment for young players, where they can learn, grow, and thrive without fear of judgment or interference from the sidelines. Ultimately, the game is about the players, not the parents.
The scene was almost too much to bear. A young linesman, barely more than a child himself, was doing his best to support the on-field officials and keep the game running smoothly. But every time he made a call, the noise from the opposite sideline was deafening. Parents were shouting and swearing at the poor boy, making him the target of their frustration and anger. “What’s he doing?” they screamed. “That was never f***ing offside!”. It was a disgusting display of aggression and intimidation, and it was being directed at a 15-year-old kid.
As the game progressed, it became evident that the behaviour displayed by some individuals was entirely unacceptable. However, one parent from our team took charge and prevented the young linesman from being subjected to any further abuse. This made me ponder: why would anyone consider it appropriate to shout and yell at a child, particularly when they are just trying to fulfill their responsibilities and comprehend the game?
"Imagine if we treated our colleagues or employees the same way we treat young children involved in youth sports. Would we expect them to show up to work every day if they were being screamed at and cursed out regularly? Of course not! It's time we start treating young children involved in youth sports, regardless of their role, with the same respect and dignity we would expect for ourselves. Let's create an environment where they can learn and grow without fear of abuse or intimidation from the sidelines."
The air was thick with disappointment and sadness as the referee had seen enough and made it clear that he would be writing a report about what had happened on the field that day. Both sets of coaches and referees looked defeated as if they had seen this kind of behaviour from parents before. "It's difficult to handle," they said, referring to the screaming and shouting coming from the sidelines. The referee promised that the Academy director would be informed about the unacceptable behaviour demonstrated by the parents that day.
However, it wasn't just the officiating team that was affected by this environment. The young children on the field were also left feeling unsure and uncomfortable. They couldn't enjoy playing the game they loved when they were surrounded by so much negativity and hostility.
As the reality of the situation sunk in, it became clear that something needed to change. If parents continued to behave in this way, not only would referees be discouraged from taking part in games, but young children might also begin to question whether they wanted to participate in such an environment. It was a sad state of affairs, but hopefully, one that could be remedied with a concerted effort from everyone involved.